BizSkule presents: Surveillance


Date: 4/11/2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM

BizSkule presents:  Surveillance

Advances in data and smart technology have allowed in recent years for leaps forward in safety and security. Data analysis has provided insights into how we move through the world and ways it can be made safer. Technology has enhanced these insights to bring security and surveillance to new heights of innovation. With these advances however, come new questions about data ownership, privacy, and how much surveillance of our every movement is too much?

This discussion will expand to showcase the role of data, AI and smart technology in ways our society has become safer and secure, while also addressing its potential for changing how the concept of privacy is changing in your daily life.

Our panelists come from a range of backgrounds and will be sharing how they have seen the revolutionary growth data science and AI influence this sector, and where it can take us from here. Meet fellow U of T alumni and network amongst colleagues while enjoying cocktails and canapés.

Contact Information
Steve Radbourn
55 St. George Street, Room 670
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4
Date & Location
Date: 4/11/2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Location: Bennett Jones LLP

Bennett Jones

100 King Street West, #3400
