Disruptors & Dilemmas - Robotics in Healthcare


Date: 11/26/2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM

Disruptors & Dilemmas - Robotics in Healthcare

***This event is now sold out***

Please contact steve.radbourn@utoronto.ca if you would like to be

added to the waiting list.

Join us on November 26, 2019 to the launch of U of T Engineering’s newest premiere speaker series, Disruptors & Dilemmas, kicking off with our inaugural event featuring healthcare and robotics.

Disruptors & Dilemmas: Robotics in Healthcare pulls together three panelists to focus the conversation on the innovations, challenges, and overall potential which comes with the continued adoption of robotics technology into healthcare. Our panel members will provide insights on how robotics can effect medical research, healthcare practitioners, and patients in Canada, revolutionizing existing practices and addressing the challenges of tomorrow.

Following our speaker panel, all guests are invited to engage with the panel members, fellow alumni and friends over cocktails and canapés.

Contact Information
Steve Radbourn
55 St. George Street, Room 670
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4
Date & Location
Date: 11/26/2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Location: Bennett Jones LLP

Bennett Jones

100 King Street West, #3400
