The Soldiers' Tower

    On January 21, 1921, the Memorial Committee of the University of Toronto Alumni Association wrote a letter appealing for funds to build a wartime memorial. The result was the Soldiers' Tower, a lasting monument to those members of the U of T community who sacrificed their lives for freedom. The names of those who lost their lives in service are carved in the stone walls of the archway and the adjacent screen of the tower.

    Over the years, the elements have taken their toll on the tower and it is now in great need of maintenance, upkeep and improvements. The university is seeking to restore the tower to its former glory, ensuring that it will continue to convey a message of vigilance and remembrance.

    If you wish to make an online donation to the Soldiers’ Tower, please click here. An online giving form will pop-up: please select “Soldiers’ Tower” from the list of gift designations. If you have any questions, contact Adam Smith at 416-978-2366 or

    Join us for the annual University of Toronto Remembrance Day service, held annually at Soldiers' Tower, 7 Hart House Circle on the St. George Campus.

    Visit the Soldiers' Tower Carillon website

    Take a Virtual Tour of the Soldiers' Tower

    J. Robert S. Prichard Alumni House  ·  21 King's College Circle  ·  Toronto, ON M5S 3J3
    Tel: 416-978-1221  ·  1-800-463-6048  ·  Fax: 416-978-1474  ·  ·  E-mail: