U of T Faculty of Information Update Form {1} ##LOC[OK]## {1} ##LOC[OK]## ##LOC[Cancel]## {1} ##LOC[OK]## ##LOC[Cancel]## Please fill out the following form There are a lot of great things happening at the Faculty of Information and we want to make sure you are kept up-to-date! If you have moved recently or have a non-U of T email address you would like us to use, please let us know by filling out the following alumni update form. This form also provides you with the opportunity to: provide feedback on events and programs you would like to see how you would like to get involved with your alma mater provide us with professional updates Know an alumni friend who is not receiving our faculty updates? Please forward them this form! First name: "First name" is required. Last name: "Last name" is required. Non - U of T Email Address Email address: "Email address" is required. Confirm email: "Email address:" confirmed text is required. Emails do not match! "Email address"needs to contain a valid entry. Your password must have each of the above components and be at least 12 characters. Does Not Pass Low Moderate Secure Very Secure Re-type your password. Re-type your email. Please verify your input by typing it again. Passwords do not match! Emails do not match! Inputs do not match! Passwords match! Emails match! Inputs match! Employer: Job Title: Home Address 1: Home Address 2: Home City: "Home City" is required. Home Province or State: Not applicable Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories Nunavut Nova Scotia Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Postal Code or Zip: Grad Year College (i.e. U of T, UTSC): Degree (i.e. BI, MI, PhD): If you graduated with an MI, what concentration? Any other degrees? (i.e. 2010 BSc UofT): Do you receive the Informed alumni e-Newsletter? Do you receive the Informed alumni e-Newsletter? YesNo "Do you receive the Informed alumni e-Newsletter?" is required. Please click off what you would be interested in: Please click off what you would be interested in: Be a mentor in a 1-to-1 student-to-alumni mentorship programBe a single evening mentor (e.g. Speed Mentorship)Host a coffee chatCollaborate with student clubsBe a speaker/presenter/panelistBe a member of university governance boards/committeesSupport the faculty through a donationOther If you chose other, please list what you would be interested in: What events would you be interested in attending: What events would you be interested in attending: Academic LecturesProfessional Development LecturesSocial reunion eventsOther If you chose other, list events you would be interested in attending: Please Wait...