Rotman Commerce Centenary Share Your Memories {1} ##LOC[OK]## {1} ##LOC[OK]## ##LOC[Cancel]## {1} ##LOC[OK]## ##LOC[Cancel]## Rotman Commerce Centenary Share Your Memories Celebrate our centenary by sharing your favourite memory of Rotman Commerce! Tell us about your favourite experience, class, professor, spot on campus, moment from a student group or anything memorable moment from your time at Rotman Commerce. Any questions? Please reach out to By submitting this form, you consent to Rotman Commerce using your contribution for purposes related to our Centenary in all media (including but not limited to website, social media, print). Please note that submissions may be edited, and not all contributions may be used. First name: Last name: Email: Affiliation: Please Choose Alum Student Faculty Staff Donor Friend Grad Year: (If you’re not a grad, please enter N/A) Share your memory here. Please keep it to 250 words. Please upload any photos related to your memory here. Photo #1 Photo #2 Please Wait...