VWA Bursary

    Make a difference!

    The VWA (Victoria Women's Association) was founded in March 1897 to raise money for land and furnishings following Hart Massey’s 1896 bequest of $50,000 for a Toronto home for Vic women. (Annesley Hall, the first purpose-built residence for women students in Canada, opened in 1903.) Even from its beginning, members of the Association knew that financial assistance for students made a difference, and they didn’t hesitate to help those in need. As a result, the VWA established its first formal Bursary Fund in 1909. 
    For the 2021-22 academic year, from revenue generated by the VWA Bursary Fund, the Registrar’s Office of Victoria College awarded 11 bursaries totaling $23,210 to Vic students in financial need. The following is a brief description of three of those deserving recipients:
    • A student in her second year was grateful to receive a VWA Bursary in support of her studies in History, Digital Humanities, and Material Culture and Semiotics. She lived with her mother who was suffering from a chronic illness. Because of her mother’s comprised immune system, she had been unable to work during COVID.
    • A third year student who was studying Urban Studies, Spanish and Environmental Studies, received a much-needed VWA Bursary that supplemented government loans and grants. She came from a single-income family that was supporting six members. She gave back by being involved in campus student life.
    • A VWA Bursary was granted to a fourth year student in Biological Physics and a major in Astronomy and Astrophysics. He came from a single-income family that was supporting four dependents, including a brother who had been recently diagnosed with a serious illness. The bursary helped him pay outstanding fees. 
    For 125 years, students have appreciated the support and generosity of the VWA which has helped them fulfill their dreams, and the VWA is grateful to all its members and donors who have assisted students in their pursuit of a university education.
    Your donation to the VWA Bursary Fund is eligible for a tax receipt. You may donate to this Fund via this website, or you may bring a cheque, payable to the VWA Bursary Fund, to any of our meetings or you may mail a cheque, payable to the VWA Bursary Fund, to:
    The VWA
    c/o The Victoria Alumni Office
    150 Charles St. W.
    Toronto ON  M5S 1K9
    For more information on the VWA, see: www.vic.utoronto.ca/alumni/VWA

    Primary Contact: Office of Alumni Affairs & Advancement
    Goldring Student Centre, 3rd floor
    150 Charles Street West
    Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1K9
    Tel: 1-416-585-4500; toll-free 1-888-262-9775
    E-mail: vic.alumni@utoronto.ca

    150 Charles Street West · Toronto ON M5S 1K7
    Tel: 416-585-4500 · 1-888-262-9775 · Fax: 416-585-4594
    https://www.vicu.utoronto.ca/ · E-mail: vic.alumni@utoronto.ca